Rebecca J Lewis

I am a writer and a lover of all things music! My Young Adult novel, Merch Girl is available on Amazon in both eBook and Paperback at the following link:

I’ve been writing stories since middle school and penned my first fanfic about a semi-popular boyband in 1997 (if you search hard enough you can still find it stuck in the Interwebs!)

My passion for music and writing brought me to Boston University, where I studied at the College of Communication, focusing on Public Relations. During my college career I interned for various record labels in Boston and New York City, sold merch for some local bands, worked at record stores, and did a whole lot of grassroots marketing.

Ultimately, I ended up as a publicist/communications professional in Florida, but my dream of writing fiction never died. I’ve published one YA contemporary fiction novel, Merch Girl, and am working hard on an upcoming New Adult novel!

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